Friday, September 25, 2009

About Rachel - a personal statement

About 5 years ago, I smoked a pack of cigarettes per day, and that’s conservative. Many days were filled with burgers and fries, a greasy attempt to console my stomach and thicken the blood from the previous night’s alcohol. Two or three martini’s easily take the edge off the end of a long day, and who says there’s anything wrong with a little cocktail among friends? I didn’t recognize my own low self-esteem because I was too busy hiding behind a successful real estate job making a six-figure income, and constantly smiling to hide the stress. Meanwhile, the scales were embarrassingly topping out at 235 lbs!

This is the point in the story where I need an enthusiastic, yet simple statement about how my life is perfect now. But instead, I’ll just tell you the truth. I’ve been on a journey discovering healthy practices and lifestyle habits since fall of 2004.

My journey started with a 200 hr. Yoga teacher training, I learned how to observe my self, and others, I learned about food and how it affects the body. I started experimenting with every type of “diet” in the world: gluten free, vegan, vegetarian, soy-free, Raw, Macrobiotic, the Master cleanser, Juice fasts, liquid protein drinks…you name it, I’ve tried it. I finally found myself at Duke Integrative Center for Medicine where I took a workshop on Integrative Weight loss and Mindful eating.

I started to learn about self-care. I began to skip a few cocktails, and splurge on a massage; I began balancing my hormones with regular acupuncture sessions. I received a Reiki certification and began to experiment with healing therapies. I began to explore life, psychology, and the healing arts. My friends would jokingly call and say “get out of the self-help section” or “stop working on yourself!” But, for me, it was all about learning.

I began to plug into my community in new ways. I enrolled in a Year-long Personal Spiritual Deepening Program thru Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation. I learned that prayer, religion, or spiritual practices can come in all shapes and sizes. So, I began regular spiritual practices, even a few silent retreats (yes, even extroverted talkers take temporary vows of silence). I started giving back by doing some volunteer work here and there. Eventually, I left the real estate business (other than a few investments). And now, my life is still not perfect, but the last 6 years, I’ve been getting progressively healthier. My weight is down to 175 and falling consistently. I’m learning about moderation and balance. I practice yoga, meditate and exercise regularly, AND I enjoy it! I’m welcoming more and more healthy and fruitful relationships into my life, regularly.

Now, I hope to share this journey with you. I offer all that I have, the last several years of research, of learning, of sitting with teachers, of discovery. I come to you as a guide, for we are all our own teachers. My intention is to be open, to share, and to create a safe place for each person to explore, and observe, and to transform.

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